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Home > Of My Child's Adoptive Parents > Dreams Adoption


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Dedicated to Richard and Angie
There are two people, whom I never met,
Yet what they were willing to do for me I will never forget.
In an effort to provide the best life for my unborn daughter,
I choose adoption for her.
Two different dreams were about to come true,
One my daughter would have been with a loving family.
Two this family would have a new daughter to love and cherish.
They took her in the same day she left the hospital,
They provided her with the attention and love she truly deserved.
How ever due to circumstances beyond my control,
I was forced to take our dreams from both of us.
Now all that is left of our dreams is the pain of what could have been.
I will always be grateful to this family for what they offered me.
I hope that they will once again have their dream come true,
And that the next time it will provide them with a lifetime of happiness.

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