Your question made me wonder about the psychologic...
With related or relations to Adoption it is more ...
Hi Mandi. I'm not an expert. I'm a parent of 5 a...
Does Birth Order really effect a child's personali...
If they are in the same grade, they should probabl...
That's a lot of kids. Were they sexally abused and...
I just joined the forum and hope someone still rea...
HelloI want to ask you all that whether your child...
I did - by accident but still that is what we did...
My husband and I have been considering adoption. ...
Middle children may be concerned with fairness.
Michelle 053002 [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_P...
I am the oldest of 4 born to my parents in less th...
I was the absolute middle of five. I had an older...
I am the oldest of 4, and I am the typical oldest ...
Hi ~
Well, just goes to show you, sometimes our k...
I am the oldest of 4. I have 2 younger sisters & a...
Michelle----I am very glad to know it can work--th...
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for your post ... so interest...
I have found some of this to be true, eve...