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I'm sure many of you already do this - but it occu...
Seeking Parent Responses RE: International Adoption
I work Professionally in Education , had thought o...
Seeking Parent Responses RE: International Adoption
Dear Parents,
I am a second year Speech-Languag...
Learning Russian
Are you seeking In Home Computer Learning Programs...
Learning Russian
Would like some advice on good language programs.....
Raising your baby bi-lingual
GrumblersRidge, thank you for your answer and your...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
Update. I now have two children, ages 4.5 and near...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
Don't worry. That's pretty much classic bilinguali...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
Hi everyone! Oh this is an old thread)) Very inter...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
my niece is married to an Italian born man. They h...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
I suggest your Chinese girl take [url=http://www.m...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
Having been raised bilingual from early childhood ...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
I replied to this thread pre adoption. My daughter...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
momtoB [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]To:...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
I am an English-speaker raising two adopted childr...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
Hi, we are in the process of adopting from Bulgari...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
It's amazing the linguistic ignorance and fear amo...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
I think you have to choose what you are comfortabl...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
I just wanted to re-post with an update! We are a ...
Raising your baby bi-lingual
I realize this is an old thread, but I cou...