We have just been informed that a Canadian can adopt from South Africa. (Yea!!) So the question is what lawyers are people using to complete the adoption? Do you need to have a South African social worker approve your homestudy??
Any advise would be great
Thank you
I recently adopted using the agency A New Arrival, Inc. They are based in Montana and were very helpful. They have a website [url][/url]
Good Luck
We used the agency "Mission of Tears" based out of Toronto. We didn't need a lawyer, they took care of all of that stuff. The homestudy is done by a Canadian social worker and needs to be approved by your Provincial Ministry. Are you living in Canada now? Are you already in the process of adopting or just starting out?
Hi KarynB
Thank you for your reply. We are going with "Sunrise" here in BC. THey have never done a SA adoption before but they are committed to creating a new program for people. Do you know the name of the social worker that assisted you in South Africa. We have completed our home study and our profile is in SA. They are looking for a child for us but we are worried that our homestudy needs to be in SA. I will check the website that you suggested.
Thankx for your help Carol (Bunny)