Originally Posted By DawnI've noticed the term "facilitators" used a lot in the adoption community, but I don't really understand what a facilitator is or does? Why would I use a facilitator over an agency or an attorney? I sincerely want to understand before I make my choice as to which route is best for me. Thanks!
Originally Posted By CARRIEFacilitator usualy work with agencyies allowing agencies to do their job more efficatly, while facilitators work with the families, assisting with paper work, and questions and are more avaiable to families on the none office hours. Most are paid by the agency, not the family to assist.
Originally Posted By CarrieThis is abousolutly not true by Ukrain law you need not even use and agency, Agancies will make a lot of money for something you don't even need. Facilitators work long hours long after the 9 to 5 group has gone home. If this is illegal why does the state licence them???
Originally Posted By CindieThe term facilitator can be broad. They can perform many duties. Some work for agencies, some work independently. Yes it is true that some states do not recognize facilitators in a legal sense. Again this is a 2 sided coin. Some are not good, others are your life line. It depends on what you want?. This is a list of good stuff: Some are language experts and will translate your documents. from your international source. Review your progress (they cross your T's and dot your i's. Will physical go to the country, orphange, etc. and actual do a medical assessment, now they term facilitator begins to change. and become Medical Adoption Consultant. Some will plan your travel arrangements, hotel, translator, consult, etc. I hope this helps. Oh, fee have a broad range for services. Check your contract.