About two years ago, we had a homestudy done but the agency refused to give us a copy of it because it was unfavorable due to misinformation that was given against my family. We never had the opportunity to prove the information was wrong. They just closed it and said they did not have to give us a copy of the homestudy because it was unfavorable. I could not find an attorney to help with the case because I was looking to file charges for libel and slander also. We live in Georgia. Can you tell me if I am entitled to the homestudy? That is what we want because we paid for it. Thanks.
Originally Posted By Kurt Hughes
There are different procedures in different states about getting your homestudy if it is unfavorable. You might have better luck getting an attorney if you presented it as an appeal of a denied homestudy. You can't be talking about lible and slander until you have the homestudy. Take that one step first.
You can find Georgia adoption attorneys at
Good luck.
Kurt Hughes