This message was originally posted by [url=]Kay[/url].
I hope someone can help me. I'm a foster parent in Kansas. My foster care worker has told me that we are responsible for purchasing the clothing for the children in our care. But at our mapp classes we were told about the clothing allowance and also about the Christmas allowance. We have had to buy all our children their clothing which really starts to get expensive, depending on our long they are with us. We have one little girl that came with the cloths she had on. She has gone through 2 sizes and is almost ready to move up to another, we have only had her for 3 months. We had a boy last year that needed a pair of shoes I was told that it was our responsbility to purchase them for him even though this little boy was in the process of being sent home. Please help me with this or let me know who I should turn to, I can't get any help or answers from St Francis, we are seriously thinking of changing organizations. Thanks! Kay
This message was originally posted by [url=]gramaldi[/url].
In regards to the allowance given, I assume diapers are included in this? I am just starting out so am wondering if diapers basically come out of your pocket....i went to rummages over the past month and have got a ton of clothes in various sizes - probably only spent about $30 and have a ton! I too am pretty picky about what i buy, it has to look really good...found a lot though...
If anyone can answer about the diapers though, I'd appreicate it.
This message was originally posted by [url=]Peepsmama[/url].
We get a diaper allowance every month. I foster through DSS, so it's $60.00 a month for diapers, included in our room and board checks. If you do the MAPPS training classes, required here in NY, it will answer all these questions and more!!!
Good luck.....We started in July with our first placement. He just went home and we're awaiting another. We were allowed to use his WIC monies too, to buy formula, baby food, etc....
This message was originally posted by [url=]jolean12[/url].
In GA we don't get a clothing allowance either, but there is an emergency allowance if they come with no clothes. It does get expensive but as was said before you become thrifty and friends have been a great help to us too.
We do get reimbursed for diapers here in GA, but it's ony $20 month. Thank goodness we have found a diaper warehouse with diaper cheaper than the store. I haven't met a child yet who goes through less then $20 a month in diapers.
This message was originally posted by [url=]SmileMonkey[/url].
In Maryland, the children's clothing comes out of their monthly check. It's designated for food, clothing, allowance, room and board and miscellanous needs for the child (like daycare that is over what they cover). I'm sure you will find that to meet the children's needs, you will have out of pocket expense.
When a child comes into care for the first time, they are entitled to a one time clothing allowance based on their age. We had to look through what they had and call their worker to set it up. This is our first placement so we are kind of new at this but for a 12 year old boy, the allowed $82. We bought clothing and are getting reimbursed because the checks take awhile and he needed clothing right away. Here, the monthly room and board checks are paid a month behind, too. I've never heard of a Christmas allowance, I don't think we have that here.
Oh, I did find out that foster children in MD are entitled to the free lunch and breakfast programs at school. That helps him out, too, leaves more of his room and board check or grocery allowance for other things. You might want to check into that with school aged children. Remember that you need to buy toys, sports, field trips, etc, also !!!!
It can expensive having children with you but I'm feeling like it is well worth it!!
This message was originally posted by [url=]Salem630[/url].
In Alabama, our foster children get WIC, free day care (GRMCA), and since we got our two foster children 3 weeks before Christmas, we were given money for each for Christmas. There are also emergency funds for clothing, but we didn't need those, since they came from another foster home with plenty of clothes. Our board payments are paid a month behind, so the WIC coupons came in handy.
Also, friends and family came forward with a lot of toys, books and clothing. And our next door neighbor gave us some outside play equipment that his son had out grown. You will find a lot of help from sources that you never realized.
This message was originally posted by [url=]megwing[/url].
I think that while the free lunch program might be good information for a lot of parents, we should also be careful. Foster kids often feel stigmatized already, and free lunch can add to that burden. I don't know how it is now, but I know that as children in school, we were acutely aware of who received free and half-price lunches....
This message was originally posted by [url=]cllangston[/url].
We just received two sisters about two weeks ago they came with nothing but the cloths on their backs. We were given a clothing voucher for each one of them but we just got them yesterday. So we had already sent some money but mostly the cloths came from friends or the thrift store. The vouchers could only be used at kmart and we could only buy certain items. But I think they only give them in emergency situations.
This message was originally posted by [url=]ann1[/url].
In N.J. we get a first time check if the kid doesn't come with anything.I'm on my first placement.He was 14 mths.old when he came.They gave me a check for $175.00.
Our monthly check depends on the kids age. We get 420.00 room & board & 59.00 for clothing.
This message was originally posted by [url=]shooshee[/url].
In MS the children that come with no clothing are given a voucher for $250. then they can get more as they ourgrow them. We also got a check a Christmas time to get them gifts. This depended ont he age of the child. Also we got vouchers monthly for diapers usually $25 per montlh. This was in addition to our board payments.
This message was originally posted by [url=]Amara[/url].
In Pa., <my county CYS>, They give you some clothing to hold us over until they issue a clothing voucher 250.00, usually a day or 2. Then every 3 months they send 135.00 checks specifically for clothing. You are not permitted to buy disposable diapers with the vouchers or checks,<expensive>..
You can buy cloth ones which gets you into ALOT of work! Plus we get our monthly checks for having the children in our homes. I have alot of clothing given to me also, which are usually very nice clothes. I keep them stored, you never know what age or size children wear and never are prepared enough.
The thing with the voucher is, when the child leaves, the clothing goes with them..Which makes sense.
This message was originally posted by [url=]megwing[/url].
Yeah, it's always a good practice to put the child's initial on the tags of the clothes that you buy with their clothing vouchers. Also, keep the receipts. Generally, if the child has grown out of the clothes by the time they are leaving, you can use the clothes for the next placement.
In AZ the clothing allowance is built into your checks, but there's also an additional yearly amount of $300 per child. We had three children that were emergency placement (came with the clothes on their backs), and we applied for the extra amount--we got $150 for one (age 10), and $100 each for the younger ones (twin 2 year olds). There was no diaper allowance. It was also probably almost two months before we got all of this money. You get your monthly checks over a month after you start fostering.
here in ga. ( at least in my county ) we receive 250.00 when they first come into care and then they receive an seasonal 100.00 for clothing we also receive 40.00 a month for diapers we also are reimbursed for pictures,haircuts, car seats and a few some odds and ends that is not included in the per diem which 12.75 per day for 0to5 yrs.