Hello! I do not have too much information about my sister. She was born between 1963-1965. My family does not speak of it. My sister was born either North Jersey or NY area and was adopted through Catholic Charities. If it sounds like you please reply. You have 6 siblings waiting!
I was born Feb. 26, 1964 and adopted through Catholic Charities in Utica NY. Both my parents were 21 at the time and it said I had 1 brother at the time. I am a female and my parents have an Irish background. I believe I was born around the Albany NY area but that is not certain.
i was born march of 64. all i know is my mom's name porcelli. is this you? if not good luck in your search.
I was born in Newark,NJ Oct 24,1963 adopted through catholic charities all I know is that my birth mother was very young.Thats all I have to go on for now.
I am replying to your post, I have received 2 e-mails and am not sure it is me you are trying to locate but I'll give you my information just in case.
My mother's name is DeRosa
I was born 2/2/64 at St. Mary's Hospital in Pasaic, NJ
My adoption was finalized through CC in Paterson on 4/16/64.
My e-mail is
Please feel free to contact me if I can be any more help.
I don't usually go on this web, I have kind of given up but do receive reminders when I receive e-mails.
Hello! I do not have too much information about my sister. She was born between 1963-1965. My family does not speak of it. My sister was born either North Jersey or NY area and was adopted through Catholic Charities. If it sounds like you please reply. You have 6 siblings waiting!
hi tricia, i was born 3/24/64 and my birth mother's name was porcelli. i iknow nothing of my father. if this is helpful you have my e-mail( if not, good luck in your search. andrea
I was born in May of 1963 and know my birth name was Sheila Couture. I was adopted through th Angel Guardian Home in NYC. Are you my sister???
Hello - I have been searching for about 2 and a half years. I never searched but was contacted by a girl who had a sister on the same day and same hospital. We took a DNA test and it was negative. Eventually another girl came forward and she was the sister . Brady is now closed and was run by catholic nuns . From the research I have read and done a lot of parents sent their daughters to this facility. I believe my mother ranged between 24 - 26 . In non id it says that mother had young boy who lived with parents . If any of this is probable please contact me . Namaste Yvonne
When I read your post I had tears in my eyes. You come from a big family!! My birth mother had several siblings , one younger brother (high school age at the time). She was a petite 25 years old, had brown hair, when she contacted Catholic Charities. Her parents made her leave the house when she got pregnant. Older siblings knew, but her younger brother did not know she was pregnant. I have a bit more information provided by Catholic Charities that I will share once you contact me and confirm that my information matches yours.
My birth mother was a selfless young woman who loved her baby enough to give her a beautiful life. I am forever grateful for her love for me.
I have been looking for you! Please contact me @
Last update on October 10, 12:21 pm by Gigi Madison.
Hello! I do not have too much information about my sister. She was born between 1963-1965. My family does not speak of it. My sister was born either North Jersey or NY area and was adopted through Catholic Charities. If it sounds like you please reply. You have 6 siblings waiting!
Hello! I do not have too much information about my sister. She was born between 1963-1965. My family does not speak of it. My sister was born either North Jersey or NY area and was adopted through Catholic Charities. If it sounds like you please reply. You have 6 siblings waiting!
Hi my name is Louise. I was born in Denville NJ St. Claire's Hospital on May 15 1965 through Catholic Charities in Paterson NJ. The only thing I was told about my birthmother was she was just about 16 when she had me
Last update on May 21, 5:38 pm by Louise Milazzo.