I am going to be graduating soon with a degree in Psychology with a concentration in Clinical/Counseling. I was interested in becoming an Adoption Counselor but am getting mixed messages. Some have told me a Masters is required. Does anyone know what kind of jobs I would be elgible for with a Degree in Psychology w/ Clinical/Counseling concentration? I also have experience working with disabled and disadvantaged children. Thank you!
Hey that is neat. I don't have an answer for you but I just recieved a BA in Psychology down here in Florida. I am myself very curious if that degree can be utilized in any way in the Adoption field. Adoption fascinates me and I am very intersted in it. Do you know anything about escorting children? I just registered in this forum to find out about that.
Do you have a local Children's Aid or Family Services office where you live? There may be a private or certainly a state agency available who could give you the requirements for the position you desire.
You may be allowed to work while continuing to work toward a masters if one is necessary.
I just thought it was very interesting to read your inquery. I just found this website, registered, and am now wondering aimlessly trying to find an answer to that very question. I too, have a BA in Psychology,and recently had a light bulb moment that this was something I was meant to do. I have no clue as to what the requirements are and was wondering if you have found out any info that you would care to share. Thanks.
Some states, like MI, require a Masters degree in either Social work or clinical Psychology, other states do not. I would talk to someone in your professional orginization to find out.
I have a degree in psychology... from what I know, you must have a BA in social work, or a Masters in social work.... or, you must have a few years relevant experience in adoption related work... If you do not have this, you may find it quite hard to get a job. I think that adoption counsellors usually are LCSW (licensed clinical social workers)... Anyways, that is what I normally come across when I see job postings...
In NJ I believe it is possible to get a job with one of the adoption resource center without a degree in SW. Of course the requirements may have changed. If you want to work in adoption you might start by calling local adoption offices and find out the requirements in your state.
Good Luck locating a position.:)
I was just reading your reply and was interested to hear what else you know about NJ adoption employment.I have a BA in Criminal Justice and I am looking to get a job in Social Services with a focus on adoption. I am moving to NJ late this summer, so I am curious to know. My member name is hopefuladoption. Please reply if you can help-Connie Hendricks. My e-mail address is
Hi, I have been doing some research in the adoption field for a while because I am also interested in eventually getting a job in the adoption field. Most jobs which are posted do require a masters in either psychology of social work. To be directly involved in the adoption process it would have to be social work. To be involved in one on one work with a member of the adoption triangle you would need a masters in counseling psychology. Sometimes clinical might work, but that might be more useful if your interests lie with the birth mother, depression related issues and cognitive dissonance. Privated agencies such as Bethany Christian services or Catholic Charities sometimes have posting for part time group counseling leaders and the education listed often times is only a BA or BS is social work or psychology with some experience in working with adoption. I hope this may have been helpful