Generally, how much money does a married couple have to make in order to adopt? Do both potential adoptive parents have to work? My husband wants to stay home with the adoptee, so we would only have my teaching income.
I dont know what part of the country you are in but I live in Illinois and the agency that we went through did not look at your income in that reason. They looked at our income to know what to charge us. They have a sliding price scale. Our home study was about $2500, but there are a lot more fees and money that you have to pay for before the adoption is final. Dont worry about the money it will come and it is all worth it!! GOOD LUCK!!
cc :)
We're just starting out too, but I've heard that it doesn't always depend on how much you make, but whether you are living within your means and will make enough to raise a child.
If you have some concerns, talk to an agency or advocate that you're looking to work with.
Good Luck!
we are actually at the tail end of adopting. our agency didnt worry about how much we made so much for raising the child. they used a sliding scale to see what to charge for the homestudy and like ccwasson said there are lots of little fees. if you are looking state side it can run anywhere between $10,000-30,000 and $25,000-45,000 internationally, without travel cost. from out own experience and 3 friends that have adopted it was about $10,000 more than what the agency told us. dont let this dicourage you because almost all agencies are willing to work with you. good luck! :)
We are adopting through the state, our homestudy is partially subsidized and cost $500 + fingerprinting. I don't know what the minimum income is - I don't know that there is a minimum income but you have to demonstrate that you can support your family financially.
We start our homestudy August 20th(yippee, I felt like we waited to get the date FOREVER)
Our agency does not have a sliding scale for different incomes. The whole process(homestudy, legals, etc.) is about 7500.00. She breaks it up into payments.
If you just get the homestudy through this agency it costs 1300.00. I don't think income comes into play a whole lot when the study is done. From what the s/w told me, it is more based on safe home, and how we are as a couple.
Best of luck!!
Hey Kim!
I just got an e-mail from our Adoption Advocate yesterday...we're going to have our "couple's" and individual meetings THIS Saturday! Luckily, cause she's going on a 1-month vacation on the 20th (but said that she'll write up our home study during that time).
Have you done any of your paperwork yet? I think the only thing that we have to finish is our Financial statement and then it's just waiting for references and medical statements and fingerprints and such to come back.
Not sure when the "home study" actually begins...
That is exciting!!
We already have all our paperwork filled out. After the homestudy all we have left is our backround check and medical exam. I think I mentioned it before, but, she doesn't do the criminal check or medical history until your picked because, those are only valid for a year. This way, if it takes long(GOD FORBID;) ) we won't have to do those again.
I am so glad for you, keep me posted. Also, pm if you want, it would be fun to have a buddy that is at the same point I am!!
Have you started your lifebook or b/m letter? We work on the letter everynight together. It is sort of neat. It definately is bringing us closer together. After 8 years of marriage, it is great to know we still learn stuff about one another.