Looking for birth father. His name is Robert Tidd. He graduated in Grants Pass Oregon between 1969-71. He dated a girl named Joni Ford who claimed she was expecting his child. He moved to california and is still in the Vallejo area. I have no other information about him other then he was 19 in 1972. He knows he has a child but I am not sure of any other information he may know.
Thank you
i am looking for Robert Tidd
his DOB is 6/29/1954
he may have brothers named George and Donald.
he should be residing in california possibly Walnut Creek or Tustin Calafornia.
he may have 2 children Robert and Alexander
any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Uni
Wow, If you're 100 percent sure that Robert Tidd is your father then I can help you.
The DOB is Correct.
His Brothers are George and Donald, and he has a sister named Helen.
He Lives in Vallejo, California on the weekends that he has his 2 sons.
And He Lives in Novato, California the rest of the time with His Girlfriend Joy Houlihan.
His 2 sons are Paul (20 years old), and Keith (17 years old).
If you want his phone number, or cell number, or email address, you can Email me to get them.
Oh my gosh Denise have you read the prior message yet let us know what happens?!!!! Yeah I'm so excited for you!!!
Covey :D :D :D
they found me.
i have now found my b father and two half brothers.
i am looking forward to getting to know them all.
and my b mother would also like to talk to my b father to tell him some things very personal to them both.
wish us all luck and happiness.
I'm so excited for you I hope that the meeting goes great! Oh, I'm just so excited for you congratulations! Lets us know how it goes!
Covey :D :D :D