I am seeking bmom & twin; my birth certificate states I was born at Luther Hospital, 7-11-57, single birth. Seeking the woman this certificate really belongs to, & my birth mom & twin. Believe I was born in Nov. 1954, possibly in St Paul, MN. (Nov. is a guess, could've been as early as late April).
Family which raised me probably involved in baby theft & sale. Suspect I was stolen as I was hidden at a remote WI farm for the first 3 yrs of life. Also, babies came & went thru the home. "Mother" who raised me & her sister always worked at hospitals (odd since they hated sick people, fainted at sight of blood, etc). Mysterious fire destroyed many birth records at one of these hospitals just when my 'mother' quit.
If any of this rings any bells, please respond!
PS. 'Dr Brown' is attending physician on birth certificates for children in my 'extended family' at hospitals in Eau Clair & St Paul. Family also moved suddenly & repeatedly between Eau Clair, St Paul & Chicago, (IL) when very young.