If you know which court finalized your adoption:
PLEASE PETITION to have your file unsealed.
Too many adoptees fail to try this AT THE BEGINNING OF THEIR SEARCH - but it's very important and could make a huge difference for everyone who is searching for their heritage.
Some think they need a lawyer. You don't need a lawyer, you can get the forms from the court clerk and fill them out yourself.
Some think it's expensive. It's not. there's a minimal filing fee, and the judge can even waive that if you can't afford it
Some think you must appear in person. That's not necessary, although it MIGHT help your chances if the judge gets to ask you a few questions in person.
Some think it's a waste of time because judges almost never grant the request. One reason for this is because they get very few requests, so they think that most adoptees are not interested. Imagine if judges started getting petitions from the dozens of adoptees who are searching. They would HAVE to start thinking differently.
In my opinion, EVERY adoptee has the right to her own UP-TO-DATE medical and genetic information. Dozens of diseases and medical conditions have been identified as genetically inherited. Finding your birth family could save your life. It's as simple as that.
In many states. the judges who control your records are ELECTED judges. This means that they have to answer to the voters. Don't let a county judicial election pass without getting the candidates opinion on the record concerning the issue of open records. Get them THINKING at least.
For more info on this subject, see Shea's Search Series - Petitioning the Court to Open Your Adoption File [url][/url]
HMMMMM....I never petitioned the court because I was told it would get nowhere. I am using the intermediary program through social services and the fee is very reasonable BUT if my bmom doesn't want contact then I am shut down. They have all of my info and are doing the search with that. I asked the social worker handling my case about petitioning the court and she said she does not know of anytime that the judge granted this (I am in Maryland) That to me is discouraging. I think this whole closed files are for the birds. It's like we have no rights. Where are our rights? The legal system is so frustrating. Let me know if any of you have luck!!
Ditto on the courts etc.
I wish you luck in your search. In my case I really don't want a reunion or contact, just the health/heritage etc. vitals.
I was very happy with my adopted parents & very satisfied with how my life turned out. I do have a dtr. 33 & she seems to have the same female health probs I did she has no children & uses no birth control. She would be a good mom. I also have poss heart problems. I also would like to know my linage, I am blonde, blue eyed & wonder if I am Irish, German, etc. stuff like this.
Good luck,
I totally understand wanting to know "what you are" I have always wondered the same. I have dark hair and brown eyes and med skin tone...WHO KNOWS!!!! It's amazing how the little things that some people take for granit knowing about themselves are soooo important to us.
Have a good day!!
I have alot to say on this subject and I tend to ramble so bare with me--You can petition the court more then once-I have good and bad news on the issue-the first time my request was denied but the court sent my request to he case worker at Catholic charities and she sent me quite a bit of non identifying information like the race and nationality of my birthparents and grandparents all their ages at my birth where and when I was born my infant medical history and the medical history of my birthparents and grandparents.a whole bnch of info just NO NAMES! If its truly medical info that you want and not names or contact ust request that but in the case of the mother and daughter in one of the posts above you have a very good reason to petition to have your records unsealed..more good and bad news.I know people who have had the records released just form asking and other who have had life and death reasons and were denied soooo sighhhhh it's really unpredictable. IF you do petition I suggest you hand write your letter making it brief and urgent and send a phot of you or you and your family if you can-also sending it overnight mail will relay its urgency! I have a book on HOW TO PETITION THE COURT and I can give you more advice if you need it
and please feel free to ask me if you think I can help-I really have aquired a wealth of knowledge bout this thing over the years and during my own seach and helping other takes my mind of the waiting for replies during my birth farther search
John....I believe you do the same thing but I am not positively sure.Does your mother want to find your sibling? If so she can request the info.
Hey Lee Roy thanks for the information and I will definitely follow up on petitioning the Courts to my Unsealed Records. I had my doctor complete a letter, which stated I had medical condition and because my wife is pregnant. The doctor stated "......therefore he requires information about his biological parents to assess the risk of inherited medical conditions for his children.
I understand what Nicole28 is talking about when she says the form is confusing. I will not use an attorney this time around but will ask the receptionist at the family court everything. Just remember it doesn't hurt to ask and the information is free. I'll keep everyone posted on the process and if I'm successful obtaining access to the sealed records.
Adoptee in search for biological father
New York Foundling Hospital
I am 53 years old. Adopted at the near age of 3 years. Found bio-family at age 16. BOTH sets of parents are now deceased, ALL siblings (bio & adopted) are also deceased...except for my oldest bio sister, now age 62.
I inquired about obtaining my birth/adoption records, but, was told that I NEED a lawyer, and even WITH proof AND "CONSENT" from my bio sister...I would STILL have to run a 'legal notice of intent' to give ANYONE who has 'reasonable cause' the opportunity to OBJECT.
Now HOW much sense does THAT make??? These are MY records!!! WHO else should have the 'Right" to object?
I am a diabetic, with a history of high blood pressure, SUDDEN UNexplained obesity. asthma, and other medical problems.
My MAIN reason for wanting to open my adoption records (but have NOT given) I want MY birth given name BACK!
For A GOOD suggestion, and HOW I found my bio family...letters to LOCAL Newspaper Editors, STARTING with the City of BIRTH!! Anyone needing some me!
Hi outcast
It does seem like all of the laws are to protect everyone but us doesn't it. If your whole biological family is deceased other than one sister I cannot believe that they are going to put you through all of this. We as adoptees definately get the raw end of the deal. Are you going to puch forward with it??
Tell me about how you found your family??? Newspaper? Fill me in. I can use all the help I can get.
I would encourage you to give petitioning the court a try. I am a 62 year old adoptee who petitioned the court to have my records opened. I went to the court date and appeared before the judge expecting him to deny my request after reading the many experiences of others. Surprisingly he approved my request and I went to the clerk's office and they gave me copies of the court records showing my birth mother's name. I researched at the local library and found her. Then, I checked in Ancestry and found that she was deceased. I then looked on microfilm and found her obituary. I went to the Funeral home hoping to find a copy of her obit so that I could see the photo and it was too long ago. She had passed away at age 67. They did put me in contact with her sister-in-law. I also did a DNA test with Ancestry a couple of years ago which back in the summer connected me with a first cousin locally. His mother felt I was her deceased brother's child and she took a DNA test which confirmed she was my aunt. I have been welcomed by both sides of the family - my birth father's side and my birth mother's side. It has been wonderful finding more family since both my adoptive mother and father have passed away. Unbelievably my birth mother and her husband (also deceased and knew nothing about me) had no biological children. They adopted a daughter and she and I consider each other sisters. My birth mother's adopted daughter and my blood first cousin (child of birth mother's sister) have met for lunch and dinner several times. We feel like we have known each other forever. They even say I have many of my birth mother's mannerisms which is strange since I always felt those things were learned from being around someone. So to sum it all up - give petitioning a try. You just never know what the outcome might be.
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I petitioned the court, not expecting my fine to be unsealed, but it was. Don't give up. File a petition. You never know what might happen.
Have a weird twist to the group. Looking to unseal my original birth certificate. I found my birth mom 25 years ago, had a great relationship. She just passed with no will (although an account in my legal name exists).
I filled out relationship affidavit of relationship - she never married, didn’t have any other children. The County Administrator of San Mateo County wants me to get my original, preadoption borth certificate. My adoptive parents have passed. I’m willing to have an attorney do whatever is necessary (speed is an issue-don’t want her house to lose insurance/tax liens.
Can anyone recommend an attorney? I contacted the SF bar for a referral but haven’t heard back. Any help, opinion, resource, or ideas are appreciated.