Hi. I hope this doesn't sound too confusing.
We've just had our 1st Home Study visit and were given several forms to be completed, one being the Medical report on each of us. I read somewhere that the Medical report is only good for 3 months. We haven't gotten our dossier information from our agency yet but I'm sure it will also contain some type of medical form. How does this work? If we go ahead and get this medical form completed by our Dr now, will we have to repeat it for the dossier or is everyone waiting and doing both forms at once? If it's only good for 3 months then how does that affect the adoption that can take anywhere from 6 months to a year?
Thanks for your input.
Hi Angie. Welcome! The medical form for the home study is separate from the medical form for the dossier. The one that's for the dossier has a 3 month expiration. You usually don't do that one until you are ready to travel.
Hope this helps.
Check with your agency about the length of time the medial forms are valid. It seems to vary. I only had mine done once and finalized 8 months later and they did not have to be redone. I was told that they have a 1 year shelf life. I was able to have my doctor complete the homestudy and dossier medicals at the same time.
First welcome to the boards and about the medical forms. Our Dr. actually filled out (the same exact form) three times for us. They were very helpful in the whole process. Just let them know that it may appear again and that you are adopting. They loved being part of the process.
When we did our homestudy, we each got a physical, and the doctor filled out the homestudy form. Then dh went back (we have the same doctor) to have the dr. fill out the Russia form. This is a really simple form. It's basically a checklist. We filled out our names and personal info, the doctor looked at the list of conditions, checked "none" and signed it. If we had had any of the conditions, he would have had to check that condition and write a short explanation.
Our forms were sent to Russia with the expired medical, and then we had the doctor re-do the forms, which will hopefully still be in effect when we go to court. If not, the Dr. will do it again.