My wife and I are considering adopting from South Africa. We have two bio daughters already (5 and 2 years old). We were going to have a third biologically, but are now considering adoption. We live in California.
We have no idea where to start our research. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
We have both been to SA before, loved the country and the people. We could see the acute need for adoptive parents there. We know a couple in SA that adopted two kids (white parents, black kids) and it seems like a wonderfull experience.
Thanks in advance for any help :)
My husband and I are trying to adopt in SA from the UK. As far as we have been able to find out, the SA government has put all inter-country adoptions on hold as they implement the Hague Treaty. They have set up an 'interim authority' to review the entire process. I have not been able to find anyone who can tell me exactly when and how intercournty adotpions will be started again. I have also read on another forum site that SA will not be allowing adoptions of their children to the US until the US signs the Hague Convention.
This is rather vague information. I would suggest that you contact an agency in the US that deals with inter-country adoptions to see if they have any more reliable information.