To anyone searching or have searched in Utah:
born 11/28/1977 in slc, girl
Here is what I have done so far: received my non id in 1996,also
spoke to the attorney who handled the adoption(he has since passed away)he refused any new info, joined the most popular online registries, joined Issr, joined the Utah registry via vital statistics, and I have been down to the court house that my records should have been at. That was the most surprising thing because the women employed there who was searching for me could not find my records. I am attempting to get my non id Again, this time from vital statistics. I dont have it yet. Hopefully they will find my records. Other than that I need some more advice on what to do now. I hit another brick wall. I have run out of options and I would prefer to not spend money to search unless I have more to go on. If anyone can help please let me know.
Thanks Mel
previously known as george12
(melvin and george are nicknames for me since was a kid)
*** FOUND!!! *** (As of 02/2015 through DNA Testing)
If you want the details you can see those on face book on my page Utah Adoption Search and Reunion. Or just google it.
*** FOUND!!! *** (As of 02/2015 through DNA Testing)
If you want the details you can see those on face book on my page Utah Adoption Search and Reunion. Or just google it.