Hi I was born on Oct.27,1975 in Calgary, AB. Foothills hospital I believe. I have minor information about my birth parents but not enough for a specific search. I know my birth mother was born in Iserlohn, Germany (probably 1960). I am assuming her father was stationed there in a Canadian regiment. Any information or if someone has similar circumstances feel free to contact me.
I would suggest that you apply with the Post Adoption Registry for your non-identifying information,
they might be able to supply you with more information that will help in your search.
Download the forms from
under "Adult adoptee"
complete them and mail them in.
You can also apply for your adoption order, along with these forms by simply requesting it in writing.
These forms will also register you with the Post Adoption Registry's passive registry.
I work with Wendy at
Alberta Adoptees Search & Reunion Registry,
(We are in no way affiliated with the Alberta Government)
and notice you have registered with our page.
Would encourage you to attempt to receive all the information that is entitled to you from the Government. This is a very important first step to take when wanting to search for birthfamily.