I am helping a friend find her daughter. The daughter was born on 1/22/1968 in the Boston area. It may be St. Margaret's Hospital. I don't think this hospital is still there. She was put up for adoption through Catholic Charities. We are in the process of getting non-id information. Please email if any of this rings any bells.
Thank you
My friends daughter has been found. I have spoken with her several times on the phone. My friend has also talked with her daughter. She is just a sweetheart. They are planning to meet next week end. I get to go!!! Lucky me. It is just wonderful to be involved with making a reunion happen. I am also a birthmom in reunion with my son. I sure does bring back all the feelings of meeting him for the first time.
I just want to say when you are searching always watch for dates of birth a few days before and after. My friend was off one day on her daughters birthday. If she hadn't read someplace about dates sometimes being off, she wouldn't have contacted me. She was born on 1/21/68 not 1/22/68.
Just wanted to update my post.