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I agree with Armywife55.
My DH and I have been trying for years to have children. We decided to adopt, but we did not have the thousands of dollars to adopt a baby. We decided to foster with the hope of some day adopting one. We have fostered for 3 yrs and had over 20 children placed in our home. We have loved each child placed in our home. We never regret meeting each and one of them and watching them grow in the short time that they lived with us. It is heartbreaking to watch them go, but I never regret it. They have learned a lot from and as we have learned from them. I always kept in my mind that there is a Child out there waiting for us. After 3 yrs we finally have our prayer answered. We have a wonderful fs that soon will be ours and it was worth all the heartbreaks. We will continue to foster for we have enjoyed being foster parents and maybe one day have a sibling for J.