We are currently starting the adoption adventure and we are at the very beginning. I have a concern. We are not rich people. My husband is a full time student and works a part time job. I am a receptionist with out a college degree. Do any of you know if this is going to interfere with us being able to adopt?? In my opinion it isnt alot of money that makes a good parent. We can definately provide for a child but like I said we are not over wealthy people. Our plan is for my husband to finish school (he is getting his teaching degree) and then for me to be a stay at home mommy.
Thanks for any help/support you guys!!!
CONGRATS!!!!On your decsion to adopt-you are in for an adventure!! There are many private and non-profit agencies,companies and people that help people that have financial issues regarding adoption. The help ranges from 0% intrest loans to donations etc. I have a national list(don't remember where I got it) What state do you live in?:( :)
The fact that you don't have a lot of money should NOT interfere with your adoption plans! My oldest son's birthmother put it this way, "we don't care how much money you have...just that you love him." Loving him has never been an I guess we are doing fine!
Congratulations on your decision to adopt. It is such a wonderful way to add to your family. I wish you the best of luck!
Money really is not an issue. We were afraid of the same things. Now just 6 quick years after deciding to adopt, we have 4 amazing boys.
We decided to go through our state's (utah) foster/adopt program. We were blessed with our first son when he was 9 months old, he was amazingly legally free the day he came home. We fostered a baby girl that didn't stay. Then our next two came along at 4 and 2 years (siblings). They were ours in 6 short months. Our newest newborn miracle came along days after the adoption of his older brothers was finalized. He will be ours forever in a few weeks!
I'm not wanting you to think it will be with out any heartbreaks or challenges, but if you are willing to share your home and your love the blessings will come. It is worth it, and there are plenty of children waiting for forever families.