Male Adoptee searching 01/26/65. Born Christopher Quinton in St.John's Newfoundland. I am looking for any information on BMom and BBro. Her name is Olga Quinton and she was 18 at the time of my birth. BBro was born in 02/61 in St.John's and later adopted around 3 years old. Glenbrook Girls Home was a place that she stayed with each of us on for a short time. I have my Non Identify info and now my information giving me my birth name and a few specifics under the release of records adoption act. I am hoping to put the pieces together with this new information for my search.
Adoptee searching
Thanks to all that have offered me search ideas and feedback in my search for BMOM.
I recently spoke with Olga and we are working towards catching up on lost time.
that phone call was incredible and made every moment of the search worth while.
Best wishes to all in thier searches.
St. John's Newfoundland
Adoptee searching for BMOM and BBRO