Originally Posted By AnaThe placement of children in foreign adoptive families in Brazil is organized by a Judicial Estate Committee for Adoption -CEJA or CEJAI, ( Comisso Estadual Judiciria de Ado㡧o), which receives request from prospective adoptive parents from abroad. Every each estate in Brazil has its own committee. The procedure is in part specific to each estate. You dont have to contact directly the orphanage. The 㒓 letter of agreement to adopt and the ԓreferral are usually given by the Committee. Visiting the Hague Convention web site you can get the address of the Committees state by state.You can also visit those web sites, some have available information in English. BahiaRio de JaneiroParaԭbaMato GrossoSanta CatarinaMato Grosso do sulCear ParanAna