i.S.O B.Fam
Birth Name: Joseph Jean-Pierre Asselin
D.O.B. : 21-NOV-1968 time of birth 11:15 pm
Place of Birth: Montreal Canada
County: Quebec
Gender: Male
Adopted Name: Richard Brian Patrick Westerbeek
Adopted Father: R.C. Westerbeek
Adopted Mother: F.I Catalani
Birth Facility: Catholic unwed mothers
Full Term: Yes
Legitimate: No
Birth Father: ?
Race: White
Age: 34
Occupation: Technical Manager
Residence: The Hague The Netherlands
Religion: Catholic
Birth Mother: Asselin ?
Race: White
Age: 35 years old
Occupation: High School ?
Residence: Quebec
Religion: Catholic
Single Birth: Yes
Attending Physician:
Court of Jurisdiction:
Adoption Judge:
Date of Surrender: she kept this baby for about 6 months.
Birth Cert. Num: XXX-XX-XXXXXX
Adoption Agency:
Placement Date in adoptive family: 09 September 1969
Date Finalized: Creche de la Repartion
Date of the legal adoption : May 15 1970 Judment# 798/ 70
Birth Certificate Regristration NO: 1196804199169
*Adoptee Public: Yes
Date: 2003-03-23
Comments: Asselin Jean Pierre was born at Rosemont hospital in Montreal Quebec, on November 21, 1968. He was born premature at 7 1/2 months. His mother was 35 years old, she was a maid, she kept this baby for about 6 months. then he was place for adoption, and moved to the carribean, with his new parents, and now lives in the Netherlands. His birthmother had a father that we think was 58 years old at the time of Jeans birth, and she had a mother that was 49 years old. The birthmother's father is believed to be a wood cutter. The birthmother had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. They came from the Quebec City Region, possibly the Gaspe, as I know lumber was cut there. Jean, (Now Richard Brian) would like to locate this family, and plans on comming to Canada in the near future, please send me information about his family, if you know them to: Thank you very much. Richard
Kelly helped find her friend's birthmom and I have seen many messages from her on the board offering to help.
I wish you luck
I got your pm. Message I sent was posted directly on the board.
Hopefully it will appear in this thread. If not let me know.
Also I think I remember coming across your post on another site and sent you a message but have no idea what I said as it was through their channels and I do not have a copy. Might have been wishing you luck and and mentioning I have seen your posts all over the internet.
take care and keep me posted on your success or lack thereof.
Happy Holidays.