:confused: My DH and I are down to two agencies to facilitate our adoption, and they are basically equal in our view on everything- including support for both familes and counseling. My question is this....
One of the agencies has a pool of about 120 waiting adoptive parents, while the other agency only has a pool of about 20 waiting adoptive parents.
If you went to the agency with the pool of twenty, would you be tempted to go someplace with a larger selection of waiting families? (Assuming you got the same support and the agencies were in the same town)
I think that your responses to this question will very much help us in our decision, so thanks in advance for your help. I also posted this question on the adoptive parent board so if you see a similar post, that's me!
This larger group, is it comprised of hopeful parents who all have the same match criteria?
Are they all waiting for a Caucasian child? The reason I ask is, HOLY COW! Thats a lot of waiters for one agency҅
The agency I used when I placed my daughter had about 25ish couples. I only looked at about ten of them
I have to say, I would have been mucho overwhelmed if the caseworker had walked in with 100 profiles for me to look atŅlol
I didnt chose the agency based on the number of parents they had waiting, or the number of profiles I had at my disposal҅I choose them based on their ability to provide me with profiles of parents that could meet some basic criteria I had for the family of my daughter. Other agencies couldnt even answer some of my most basic questions about the adoptive couples they had waiting҅It seems to me like it would be way to easy to get lost in a large agency with 120 couples vying for the same thing
I liked that the agency I used could ramble off names or think of particular profiles off the top of their headŅto me, that meant they had a personal touch, and I liked that!
the agency I went to only had about 20 also. they refused to go over a certain number, I was told what it was, but unfortunately cant remember. I would have been overwhelmed also. ]]
Maybe a question you can ask the agency is what percentage of couples are matched each year in a SUCCESSFUL adoption.
Super fast responses...thanks so much- I had never considered that having an agnecy be able to know the waiting profiles off the top of their head would be important, but you're right.. It shows a very personal touch and caring through the process.
The agency with the larger pool has couples waiting for all kinds of babies, but all of them infants. They have different families (ie- some are Christian, some are not) but the majority are looking to adopt a healthy caucasian baby. I have heard that some of their couples have waited for over 6 years-
We have been told on several occasions that we are the "kind of aparents that birthmothers look for" but I am not so sure- we are 33 and 31, and have a 5 year old biological girl- my fear is that a birthmother wouldn't place with us because we already have a child.... I certainly don't want to wait for 6 years! Part of the fun is to have siblings that can play with each other and grow up together!:D
In any event, you have all readily replied that so many profiles would be hard to go through- I suspect they only give birthmothers a few at a time that match their criteria. I'd love to hear more of your truly is a treasure to have your voice in this forum- I can't even begin to tell you how much the posts helped me with writing my Dear Expectant Mother letter. Thanks again for your unique perspective.
The 2 agencies we looked at were about the same.What I do know is that they only show bmoms a certain amount of profiles at a time.If they don't find a match then they go down the list.The closer you are to the top of the list depends largely on how long you have been waiting(aparants).
We chose to go through the smaller agency because they were way more personal and let birthmothers choose from a photo album compared to the 2 page profile from the larger agency.
2 weeks after we submitted our profile to the smaller agency a "special bmom".We were open to the circumstances of this young lady and our daughter was born a month later.We were the quickest match they had ever placed.My best advice is to do some soul searching about the kinds of children you would welcome,and your baby could be just around the corner.Someone told me once that when the match was right it is just right and meant to be.
Good luck!!!!