My mother was born Ramona Daniels on April 6, 1958 in Searcy, Arkansas. I know that the adoption was not complete until after she was born, but I'm not sure how long after it took place...I think within a year to a year & a half. She was told that her ** & bf wanted to get married, but her parents wouldn't sign for her, so she was forced to put the baby up for adoption.
My grandparents were very secretive about the adoption, & wouldn't tell my mother anything until she was late in her teenage years. We know now that her bf was tall with black hair & blue eyes. Her ** was petite & young...My grandmother told us years ago that she was 17, but year later told people that she was 13, so we're not sure.
A few years ago I saw a high school yearbook from Searcy & 1958 & saw a young woman with the last name of Daniels...she was either a senior or a junior, I can't remember which. Anyway, she looked like my mother. That is the only lead we have.
If you can help us in any way, please let us know! My mother has Multiple Sclerosis & needs to find her birth family for medical reasons, as well as curiousity. If you are from the Searcy area & know of anyone that this could be, please contact me!
Hi, I'm also looking in White County, Arkansas. I know my birth parents and grandparents with the exception of paternal grandfather, so I'm looking at Censuses for 1930 to get a list of probable fathers between ages 15-19 as the paternal grandmother was 15 when she became pregnant and had a baby out of wedlock. I am guessing a boyfriend from school. How did you get a copy of the Searcy Yearbook? Way to go! I need to get a list for schools, middle and high for 1940 in the Bradford and Liberty area. Might have to ask the White County library for help. Would you know if your mother's biological mother stayed in a home for unwed mothers while she made the adoptive transition?
Something I did was go on (I'm a member) & checked out the schools in the Searcy area for anyone named Daniels. It took a while, and I personally didn't find anyone, but it might do you some good. You can just look up the schools & do a search for a certain time period (i.e. 1945 - 1950).
I know someone who graduated from Searcy around the time that my mom was born, so I just checked out his yearbook. You might could go to the school or the White County Library to look at some, also.
How did you get in to look in the old censuses? Does it list actual names of the residents?
Thanks for responding. Maybe we can help each other.
P.S. I'm not sure if she stayed in an unwed mother's home or not. If so, then she could be from another state. I just have a feeling she's from Arkansas though.
There are four addresses for Daniels that live in Searcy, AR you can go to yahoo- then click on people search, I hope this can help.. Tara**