I posted this on the AA board too.
Yesterday I finally contacted an agency regarding beginning my homestudy. I had been dragging my feet for the last few months (fear of the unknown maybe) but now that I've started it, I want to get it done as quickly as possible.
The agency I contacted said their process went like this:
They send me an application that I fill out and send back
They'll set me up with a SW that will do an initial interview and provide me with some paperwork.
After all that paperwork is completed, she'll set up more meetings with my husband and I and referrals I guess.
The timeframe was 90 days from the time I turn in the paperwork provided by the SW.
That seemed a little long for me, especially since I'm assuming that the paperwork from the SW includes all of these inspections, fingerprints, etc. that I keep hearing everyone talk about.
Is there anything I can do/schedule ahead of time to make the process move along?? I think we have to have physicals, right? Maybe I could go ahead and schedule those.
I'd appreciate any help. We're doing domestic infant in MD.
As for the homestudy process, almost all tell you that it will take approx. 3 months to complete. When we had our homestudy done, it was completed within 3 weeks. Don't ask me how, everything fell right into place somehow and we had an awesome SW. We were not even pursuing adoption when we received a call about a baby due in two weeks and we had no clue what was involved in a home study or adoption. Our daughter's mother went 2 weeks over her due date, so we had all the legalities straight and were there for the birth. I do know there are some that will "expidite" your homestudy for a fee.
I too am from Maryland and if you don't have a lawyer, I have an awesome referral for you. Our lawyer is very kind and specializes in adoptions and is an adoptive parent himself, but he is also very caring to all involved. If interested or ever want to talk, please email or PM me.
It will all work out, have faith and believe ~
If I am not mistaken they use the three month window because it has to be completed within a finite period of time. We were able to roll through 95% of our homestudy VERY quickly but have been hung up waiting for our FEDERAL background clearance. The state came back quickly but we've been waiting for over 6 weeks for the federal (and my husband and I are both teachers that have had background checks previously to work in the public schools!) The order of things you were given sounds just about identical to ours, some things you can push through and others are just our of your hands.
One thing i am unsure about, does anyone know if you can turn your I600A form in prior to completing your homestudy in MD? Based on the board some people do and some people don't, I thought it was up to the state's jurisdiction. I'd like to go ahead and turn ours in, though our SW has advised against it since it is only valid for 15 months (or sometime there abouts). Since we are only waiting on our federal clearance I'd like to just get it in and keep the ball rolling.
I initially posted in early December that we were beginning the homestudy (i.e. inquiring). Well we've done it!!
We completed the application and submitted it last Thursday. We should hear from the social worker this week regarding our initial meeting to get the rest of the paperwork, etc.
I've gotten birth certificates, marriage certificate, and driving records. We've taken the FACE class and got certified in Infant/Child CPR. I'd like to set up the fire & sanitation inspections. If anyone knows the procedure for that in PG county please let me know.
I'm really excited now and while I want it to be done "like tomorrow", I know it's going to take a while. At least something is happening.
Jeanne,congrats on starting the process. We took FACE class this time last year and thought it was great. We are now home study approved and waiting (domestic infant program) since end Sept '04. Your Agency should fill you in on PG county requirements - in our case we had to fill out request for inspection form and give it back to our Agency for them to send, but think every county and Agency somewhat different. Best of luck on your journey!Jean
Typical process breakdown:
1. Submit application
2. Initial, meeting with sw, and home tour, you receive list of paperwork to complete
3. Get fingerprints done first!!! Call before step 2 to find out schedule for fingerprints at local police department. Go on first available day.
4. Complete paper work --- you will need physical that includes HIV test, TB test and vaccination if you havent had one in last year --- make sure drs office has test available...testing has to be scheduled on 3 day intervals --- suggestion--- get it done on friday and have read monday. Fire/saniation inspection --- make sure you have smoke detector on each floor, fire extinguisher, and you if the child's bedroom is on an upper level you will more than likely need an inflatable escape ladder --- walmart sells them---brand name "kiddie"
5. you may need refrences --- so give them a heads up that they may have to fill out a form and return it to you in a sealed envelope.
6. You may need to select "god parents/guardian" for child so start thinking if you haven't yet --- the state wants to know you have thought through who will look after the child if somethig happens, and that the child will be treated with all legal rights of a biological child.
7. Have tax returns for the last year may need to submit copies, also go ahead and prepare a list of expenses and assets for net worth statement
8. Make sure all pets are up to date on license and rabies shots
---these are just some things we wish we had known ahead of time...:) --- we got all our paper work done in about 2 weeks...after this is done --- you have 2 more home visits and the sw has to probably interveiw your reference by phone, one in person...then the sw has to prepare her/his report...the 90 days gives them time to accomplish the interveiws and reports.
We are in Montgomery County. All our meetings took place at our house. Let me know who your social worker is when you find out, if you care to share. You can PM me for our phone number and the name of the social worker we are working with. I highly recommend her. We had to have the fire and sanitation inspections.
I am eager to help in any way.