I am looking to find other adoptees/ adoptive families/professionals who are in process or who have found their bio families... I am an adoptee who has found her bio mother and 2 brothers quite awhile ago...I want to write a book about the reunion process...I am also a psychotherapist but my area of focus is not adoption so I will not draw subjects for the book from my clients...I want to interview and if allowed photograph people using their stories to capture the changing experience of adoption in America from Roe vs Wade until today...if you or someone you know would be interested please let me know...I really want to draw from a wide variety of experiences from across America...thanks for any info you can help with.
I moved your thread to the more appropriate forum
I wanted to askŅyour book, will it have a balanced view of reunion, or will it be all about the positive aspect of reunion.
For example, me and folks like me who were rejectedand even verbally abused when making contactŅwill we be represented in your book?
thanks for the question...
my hope is to offer a variety of experiences, when using the stories my plan is to represent people from the adoption community that reflects not only cultural/economic/etc...differences but also the realities of experience that others embarking on or having traveled on this journey have encountred, the final book depends on the variety of stories I will have gathered...would you be interested in being invloved in the book?...the point of writing this is to record our experiences and to offer them to others who may going through a similar path...