With the recent update of the forums, there is a new feature called "reputation" which shows up on everyone's posts in the upper right as a series of green or red boxes. Since it only started the day of the new launch (December 15) It many not have had a chance to grow to its full potential.
To add or detract from someone's reputation:
Go to a post of theirs and click the little scales in the upper right. A box will pop up asking if you agree or disagree with the post and there is a space to comment.
To assess your own reputation:
Click "User CP" (control Panel) in the tool bar. At the bottom of the Control Panel is a list of recent ratings. (If you have not been rated, there will be nothing yet.)It includes the thread of the post that was rated, the date of rating and any comments will link to the post that was rated and a box of either green, grey or red depending on how the post was rated. (Click the scales in your own post to see if it has been rated, all default to "Even" and becomes more or less positive as/if they are rated.) Both in clicking the scales in your own post as well as in your control panel, you are able to determine the number of reputation points you have.
Crunching the numbers
[list]25 post minimum for post rating to have influence[/list]
[list]10 reputation point minimum for ratings to add points[/list]
[list]10 rating limit per day[/list]
[list]15 user interval (you must rate 15 people before you can rate the first again)[/list]
[list]For every 6 months of membership added or every 500 posts on an account, your rating will have 1 point more effect[/list]
[list]Everyone starts with 10 reputation points[/list]
[list]Everyone starts off with 4 influence points[/list]
[list]You gain 1 point of influence for every 50 reputation points[/list]
Green, grey, red
In posts, the reputation bars are, for the most part, green. That means the person has a positive reputation. By holding your mouse over the bars, a description of the reputation will pop up (I will add the break down later, since it still needs some work.) Everyone starts with one green bar. Once you have reached 100 points, there will be another green bar next to it and bars accumulate for every 100 reputation points. Grey bars means a person has no points. In your control panel, posts rated by users who do not have any influence points (less than 10 reputation points or less than 25 posts) will show up as grey. Red bars in a users post means they have been rated negatively and have less than -10 (negative ten) points. In your control panel, it means the post was rated negatively.
Reputation Farming
It is important that everyone accept that there are going to be times where people don't like what you have to say and you may get bad marks. It is not appropriate to preface potentially controversial comments to come with "I know everyone is going to give me bad marks for this, but....." Just say what you are going to say, take a deep breath and maybe consider what the other point of view is so passionate against IF you are rated negatively. It is also not appropriate to complain about recieving negative marks. This is because it is usually for the purpose of extracting pity from others who you hope will bolster your reputation. Again, it is important to come to terms with the idea that not everyone will be happy with what you have to say.
Administration and moderators can view who left what comments and ratings. That should serve as a warning to those who would abuse it and a protection to those who have been abused.
Reputation level
The list of the "titles" associated with reputation points.
0- is of undetermined character
10- is just starting out
150- will be famous soon enough
300- is of notable stature
500- is a jewel in the rough
800- is just really nice
1200- is a glorious beacon of light
1500- is a splendid one to behold
5000- is worthy of praise
8000- has much to be proud of
10,000- is a name that should be in lights
15,000- is Legendary
20,000- is fantabulous
50,000- is practically perfect in every way
-999999 is infamous around these parts
-50 can only hope to improve
-25 should be approached with caution
-10 has a little shameless behaviour in the past
You will notice that the title changes do not necessarily coorespond with the number of green boxes which grow with incriments of 100. Any suggestions for improvement on the reputation titles are welcome since most are the system default.
I will be updating this list as more questions arise.
My reputation says that I have 800 points but I only have 7 green boxes. From what I understand I should have 9 boxes. One free and one for each 100 points. I put off worrying about it but since everyone has so many more than me, every little box helps. :o
The first green box covers you up to 110 then at 210 you get another ֖ and another for each 100 after that. So, right now, 7 boxes is what you have until you get at least one more rep comment that is greater than 10 points. Once your points hit 810 (cuz everyone starts at ten) then you֒ll get another green box.
Wait, I'm wrong - clearly math is not my strong suit. You should have eight - then in ten more points, have nine. Here, let me test something, brb.
Ok, lets wait for Sarah - I clearly need to know more about the rep system - I rarely use it so I'm not that educated about it.
I just tested to see what it would take to get you another box, and you won't get another until you're points = 900, which would make sense with my hillbilly math - but doesn't make sense in the real world.
Ok, I did a little recon, here is what I came up with.
10-99 = 1 box
100 199 = 2 boxes
200 ֖ 299 = 3 boxes
300 399 = 4 boxes
400 ֖ 499 = 5 boxes
500 699 = 6 boxes
700 ֖ 899 = 7 boxes
900 1099 = 8 boxes
1100 ֖ 1299 = 9 boxes
1300 1499 = 10 boxes
1500 ֖ 1000000 = 11 boxes
10-99 = 1 box
100 199 = 2 boxes
200 ֖ 299 = 3 boxes
300 399 = 4 boxes
400 ֖ 499 = 5 boxes
500 699 = 6 boxes
700 ֖ 899 = 7 boxes
900 1099 = 8 boxes
1100 ֖ 1299 = 9 boxes
1300 1499 = 10 boxes
1500 ֖ 1000000 = 11 boxes
Hi, So at 500 it changes from a box for every 100 points to a box for every 200 points? Why? I feel stigmatized by the boxes. Can we opt out of the reputation system? Who decided that this was a good idea? Can we vote on it? Thanks, :confused:
Thats the way its set up Җ and it makes sense, because the point system goes up to 999999, and if there were boxes for every 100 up to that point, the forums would be nothing but neon green boxes.
As for opting out I֒m sorry, no, that isnt an option. I just checked out your point count Җ you 261 points away from having the maximum number of boxes allowedIŒm not sure I understand how having two less boxes than the maximum allowed makes you feel stigmatizedyou have more boxes than many (or dare I say most) of our members.
Oops. Thanks, you guys are kind. I honestly wasn't fishing for boxes. I just look at the number of posts and the number of green boxes and then I wonder if I am all fluff or what. This reputation thing strikes at the heart of personal insecurities. :o
I had NO idea of the depth of this reputation thingy!
why are some boxes lit up and others not? I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I am really struggling to figure it out. I have to say, I really don't give a hoot about the points so much, but I do like the secret little note part of it. :)
we have to like you and rep you up to it.. ;)
*there ya go*
Hey! No fairsies!! *incredulous look on face*
Hey! Thanks Christine. :) You can't even know how bad I needed a little act of kindness about now. :)
Thanks so much, I feel all...