Happy New Year All !!
We just finalized our third and hopefully last adoption !!We are stationed in Japan and wwe didn't have to fly back to finalize the adoption, the judge signed the papers. I am so happy and elated.
We adopted all of our sons from infancy. Elijah was 3 days old, Jacob was 1 month old and baby Jeremiah was 1 day old !!
They are now 9 , 7 (this month) and 5 months old.
We started the adoption of our oldest in Florida and was transferred to Spain. We end up finalizing via the teleconference with the military lawyer swearing us in and the judge on the other end. Then 2 1/2 years latter we adopted baby Jacob and finalized the same way. We used Children's Homes Society for both adoptions.
Lastly, our third son was a family adoption, but we repeatedly told our judge (state of Georgia) that we were able to finalize our oldest sons adoptions via teleconference because we've been over seas the entire time. Well, thanks be to God , our lawyer emailed us back and said the papers were in the mailed. He signed them 12/28/04! and they will send us his new birth certificate.
Just thought I would share you our story as a military family, now we can obtain our tax credit for 2004, but most importantly our son is officially and legally ours.