My two sisters and I have been searching for many years for our half sister. She was born at the edna gladney home in texas in 1964. We were not able to find her before our mom died of cancer in 2000.
But we are still searching for her. All the Gladney Home would tell us before mom died was that her childs adoptive parents were still living in Texas. That her new last name was a common one and they did not want to take the time to look things up. (amazing).
If this helps at all: my moms haircolor was strawberry blonde (she may have died it totally blonde at that time), she was 5'7" tall, with blue eyes. She would have been between 20 and 22 at the time of the birth. She used to tell us that she was at the Gladney Home when JFK was shot. I do not know how long she was there. My mom's name is Dianne Marie Painter. I don't know if the birth certificate says Painter or not. She was not allowed to see or even hold her child. Immediately upon delivery, the baby girl was taken away. (my mother's protests didn't matter). If I am able to find her, she will find a lot of family history as I have traced the Painter family all the way back to the middle 1600's in England. My mom has one brother and 5 sisters. (both my mom's parents have passed away).