Hello everyone
I am just writting my thoughts out weither or not anyone reads them and if I affend anyone I am sorry.
I am a single mother of one beautiful 2 year old girl !! She is the most beautiful girl with long curly redish blonde hair and blue eyes. Every one who meets her just falls in love with her so why did her own father not fall in love with her?! I understand some times the fear of taking resposiblity but then again I dont cause I am the one who has to take the resposibilty while he goes out and parties and does what ever else his little heart desires... Now I dont want him back not now not every but why cant he just grow up and be a man for his daughter. I know plenty of guys who dont have there kids but still want something to do with them and helps take care of them. He does nothing and just wants to see her when it is best for him. He has not helped me take care of her does not help me buy diapers or food or clothes or anything I need from him and for her. I have child support in the works but boy does that take forever cause they cant find him he is always moving always getting kicked out of where he is staying.
I am seeing now in my angle that she really needs her daddy. All children need their fathers God made them that way made each of us that way. I got the chances to place my son and he now has a father but my daughter who I could not live with out I have and love dearly. I see it in her so much of how she needs a dad . My father was in cancun for a week and when he came back she clung to him and was always calling out "poppee" for the entire day ! She needs that male figure but becuase of her fahter she wont have that daddy right now I am happy that she has my father to give her attention but it is not the same as an actual dad ! Why do most men never get over them self and just want to do what they want to do that selfish tendisy just doesnt leave some. Oh course I have had the wrongest expeirnce with me and most might not be like that ( half and half maybe ) I just dont understand why my angle has to go through this. She never did anything to him .... I guess in his eyes she was born but that is just an excuse ! He calms that he loves her and wants to take care of her but for 2 years it has been the same thing. He just up and leaves and doesnt call or write for 6 months at the most then desides he wants back in well I am ready to pull the plug on that and I know it will make him mad but what else can I do
[font=Comic Sans MS]Hello my name is Evelyn and i am new to this forum. I wanted to reply to your message because i know exactly what you mean. [/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS]I also have one child she is going to be 3 in two weeks. She was born premature and has special needs now to add to all that her father comes and goes . I talk to him regularly . . . BUT talking does not feed my child or helps me with much. I hate to let go of him just because there is always a what " IF" [/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS]What if he changes . . . [/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS]what if he this and that. . . [/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS]Well anyway , i just know what you mean. My child also calls my father dad. It makes me angry , sad , and angry. A mix of emotions. The good thing about my situation is that i am pretty busy. my child has a billion doctor appointments. [/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS]Anyway i know i was not of much help. i just want you to know that well i know some what of what you are going trough. And if you ever wanna talk well i'll be around. [/font]
Hello, Ia m a single mother to a 18 month old lil girl. I told her dad i was pregnant two years ago now on Christmas day he was fine with it. Then after I gave birth he denied she was his and asked for a DNA test. I told him if he wanted a DNA test he w ill have to be paying for it himself. He seen her once in her life and she doesnt know who he is since she was only 6 weeks old when he came by to see her.
Luckily she has my step dad in her life. The only male figure in her life.It doesnt matter if her father ever comes back in her life. He has 5 other children who are much older than she is. But why do men do this. They bring children into this world. but they do not want to support them. So as the saying goes. Itls there loss not ours All we can do is raise our children to the best . and teach them from right or wrong
You are definately not alone! Unfortunately a lot of men are irresponsible and don't do well as parents. I have 3 kids with my ex husband, and my kids are getting older now. For many years I watched their father go in and out of their lives. It broke my heart to see how much my kids seemed to want (and need) his attention. Then I decided to just stop letting him come around, I stopped taking his calls, and my kids seem better for it. At first it was hard they missed him(like they did EVERY time he's left). But this has allowed them to heal, and build confidence and self esteem. His rejection and leaving tore those things from my kids. If he really got his life together, and could SHOW me that it has changed I would allow him to see the kids, but they way I see it, untill then I need to protect my kids any way I can.
Hi My name is Marie, I have a 2 yr old little boy, his dad did the same to me. He sees him when he wants and normally it's once every month or two. My son walks around crying "me miss my daddy" it breaks my heart and theres nothing I can do about it. Last time he was gonna come and see him, he went to bar instead and finally I got sick of it and told him to grow up or stay out. when I was pregnant he never went to doctor visits, the only time he was there was in the hospital and I had a c-section and the whole time he said he would be there and I went home after c-section and no help from him. Well, he was out of sight for the first year and a half and then wanted to be a dad. Well I thought it would be good for my son and now he's playing games with him again. But, ya know something I think of us single moms as warriors, we are there for them all the time and we take care of them, no one else. Oh and heres the kicker, I am 7 weeks pregnant again and knowing how he is with our son, I will not let him do this to this baby and I decided to give this baby a better life and adopt it out. I wish you the best of luck and remember they are who they are and they won't change, and he will grow older knowing what he did to your daughter and it will eat him alive.
sorry about your situation, It has to be hard on you. Have you started the child support yet? I was the same way, I didn't want to give him up, but yours like mine gave up on our kids. You have a sick child and he needs to be there. That is the hardest part. But at least you have family that's great. I wish you the best of luck!!! If you ever need to chat please feel free to pm me or mail me.