My birth mother name at time of birth was Joan Mary Ann Colling. 27 at time of my birth.
I was named Jennifir Marie Colling. Born Sept 21/80 around 10am. Birth place Burnaby General Hospital.
I know she had another daughter born Jan 1979 that she kept.
Judge Millward was the judge for my Adoption. Adoption went thru as of Tuesday June 2 1981.
Social worker's name: N. Blenkiron
I was born Sept 21/80. Burnaby BC.
Birthmothers name is Joan Colling at time of my birth.
Looking for my Birth family
Hi Jennifir:
I have a brother who were adopted in 1977 in Fernie by a couple from Vancouver. I'm trying to trace him. I was adopted by a couple from spain. The adopteted parents of my brother they adopted a babygirl in bc in 1981. Do you think can be some connection with your parents.
i'm also looking for my birthmother, i know she was from vancouver bc. My name at birth was ted is all that i know, my name now is julio velazquez castro and i live in valencia spain. My e-mail:
i would like to receive some information from you.
may i ask you what is the the name that your adopted parents gave you. i don't need to know your last name, because all that i have know is the name of the baby girl they adopted (the adopted parents of my biological brother).
Thank you for you time
and good luck to you