its been a while since my reunion w/ kari....things are finally looking better for she and i,we are moving right along w/ our new friendship..kari even asked to come out to texas to see us on her spring break.....but when she mentioned it to her mom....she was not very happy karri said,,,she said her mom was kinda shocked when it was brought up......sooooo i told kari lets just wait a lil longer and let things settle...and hopefully her mom will come around soon....the a-mom was very happy in the begining but lately has taken a turn for the worst and is not open to me at all.....but I am just taking a step back,,and letting them two work on this,,,,its not my place to butt in....but thats where things are standing....kari & i talk on im about 2-3 times a week...
Love you all Candie
sooooo i told kari lets just wait a lil longer and let things settle...and hopefully her mom will come around soon....the a-mom was very happy in the begining but lately has taken a turn for the worst and is not open to me at all.....but I am just taking a step back,,and letting them two work on this,,,,its not my place to butt in...
Good for you!
Thanks for the update..
We have a good thread going on reunion.. check it out..
if you have some time :)
It's good to hear the update!!
May I give my opinion? Ummmm. You know that when I found my bmom that I found out she died when I was only one. My amom said it was a shame but probably going to make it easier for everyone that way. Now, almost 7 months later, my aparents don't bring up anything about my birth family. My hubby and I went to visit my sister (birth) and her family in Oct, then used the second half of the visit to see my folks. I brought my "adoption search" scrapbook. The looked at very quick and since then the subject has not come up unless I bring it up.
Sometimes I think my family thought that when I found my birth family I would say hi and bye and that would be that. (Actually, they never thought I would find them....) . So, your daughters amom might be dealing with the reality that no matter how many years have passed, there is still a bond. I do hope that your daughters amom will express her feelings honestly and become a part of the relationship of this "new" family rather then distance herself.
I do think your standing to the side to give some space and time is a very good thing. But then I already knew you were a good woman.