A family member informed me Doris Diane had died before 1948. However, I've found out so many conflicting dates and things, that now I'm wondering if maybe she's still alive (she'd be about 60 now). One person said she was born 1939, which would have made my mom only 14. I'm sticking to the DOB as around Easter, 1944, which is the date my mom told my sister here in Arizona, before she died. Also do not know if there was an official adoption, so little Doris Diane may have had the last name of Brummett (my mom's) or Eudaly, the people who cared for her. This is truly a puzzle. Have talked to several relatives of Joe Eudaly's second wife, Mary, who did not know about the first wife, Ada, or anything about a baby. Joe and Ada divorced, and the people who knew about the baby, said they lost all contact with Ada and didn't know where they were. Have also talked to a few of Joe's surviving relatives, a sister, and a neice and a nephew. The nephew knew nothing about a girl child of Joe and Ada. In any event, Ada and the baby, Doris Diane, could have moved to a different state, and because there may not have been an official adoption, anything could have happened. Will continue my search.