Hi Everyone,
I was looking over some of the threads and noticed that there were a few about working from home. Therefore, I wanted to share this great opportunity with everyone. After we adopted our son in September I knew that I did not want to go back to work especially 9-5. However, as was mentioned and as we all know, adoption is expensive. I knew that I would have to be bringing in some kind of income.
I started looking into things that I could do from home and came across this great new party planning company called the Traveling Vineyard. If you love wine and meeting people you will love this job. Basically, you go into people's home and give wine tasting parties. Then if people enjoy the wines they order them from you. You don't need to know alot about wines, just be enthusiastic about it. I recieve a 20% commission on all orders. And the best part about it is that I get to stay home with our son.
Anyway, if this sounds interesting to you in anyway or if you have questions, please give me a call at 201-486-1213, reply to this post, or e-mail me at I'm loving this job and want to share this opportunity with others. So give me a call.
All the best,
Kathy Sheldon