I was just wondering is there already a forum or what not that addresses dating issues etc. for birthparents. Cause, see, I was thinking about something like,"Dating after Placement" where people could go and ask each other's advice on dating dilemmas and so on. Or you could do something like, "Finding,Changing and Improving your Social Life after Placement", or "How to find supportive friends after placement" or "How to find good/supportive guys or girls to date". I mean you know something like one of those or the social life title that maybe encompasses all of those things I listed. Anyway, just an idea I was wondering about for a new forum on here. I would put a link on here to the thread I posted so you could read what others think about the idea of this forum for dating/social life after placement, but I don't know how to do it. Basically, the people that responded to my posting this suggestion of this new forum was that they would all like a place to discuss their relationship and social life issues after placement as well. Thanks for your time. Anne:)