I recently had my heart strings tugged at regarding some blind children available for adoption.
I always said I could not handle a special needs child other than possibly hearing issues, since I knowmsign language. But these adorable sweet little girls who just happen to be blind tugged my heart strings and now I am considering it????
Does anyone have experience with blind children (bio or adopted) ?
Am I crazy for considering this when I have NO experience with the blind?
I work with blind adults - it's what I went to school for. The biggest help is advocating for services and tracing them how to do the things everyone else does... Just non visually! What questions do you have?
I would first look into the schools in your area to see if any have experience with blind children. I have known some blind students and they tend to do better if the school is knowledgeable and has equipment, like braille typewriters and braille books already. It's even better if there is a blind school near you that would have a whole library of braille books. My friend said the biggest problem was finding books, it would take forever to get them ordered and often be halfway through the school year before the child had a text book and there were not enough childrens books available for reading. There was a steep learning curve for the teachers which sometimes caused the child to suffer.
Yes, that is another concern of mine. I was considrring home schooling because of this. We have deaf children in the school system here, but no blind children as far as i know. So they would be totally unequipped to handle their education. :confused:
Of course how would I fair any better?
Yes, that is another concern of mine. I was considrring home schooling because of this. We have deaf children in the school system here, but no blind children as far as i know. So they would be totally unequipped to handle their education. :confused:
Of course how would I fair any better?
I'm sorry I missed this post. I haven't been very active in the last little bit. My BS Snurf is blind (anophthalmic). He has a massive list of other medical problems but the blindness is the one thing that can't be changed and I have found the most challenging.
As Icehockey has said, having a school system versed in teaching a blind child is a real plus. I know that there is NO WAY I would have been able to teach Snurf everything he needed. I didn't have any idea WHAT he needed. Braille, Contracted braille, nemith code... Seriously, there is just no way. I am really good at technology and am now struggling with teaching him how to answer his new smart phone.
On the bright side. Raising a blind child is much like raising any other child. They just happen to be blind. It takes you longer to teach them how to do some tasks. I still struggle sometimes with letting go and letting him fail. My husband is better at it than I am.
I can't tell you if adopting these kids is right for you or not. I would say though, that I would look at them to see if they are a good fit for your family without the blindness first. If they are, then learn to help them with the blindness.