Hello,When I try to go read a journal and click on that persons, my own included, it will take me to a page where it says that page is not available and to try to search somewhere else on The only way I can see the whole journal is to read the latest post and then at the top of that is a "button" that says part of so and so's journal. If I click on that then it will take me to the beginning of the journal. I used to be able to go to the journal and click on it an dit would take me to the first page of the persons journal. Thanks for your help.Carolyn
Dear Kiwi, I am still having problems with the journals. When I go to the journal index page and goes to the list of journals, I will pick a journal to read. I will click on the journal name/description so that I may preview the journal from the beginning. When I do this it takes me to a page that says, "The page you were looking for could not be found. Try searching for what you were looking for here." and then it has a search for The only way I can get into a journal is to choose to see the authors last entry. Then to get into the full journal I have to click on "Part of: then whoever's journal I am looking at" and it will take me to the beginning of their journal. And today it is not even doing that!!! WHen I click on that it now takes me to a completely blank screen. I am trying to copy mine and my birthmother's journals. I was able to do it yesterday, when I started to pick up today where I left off, I found this new error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely,Carolyn
I have tried every way to get into her journal (it is a public one, not aprivate one.) I have gone through member's and done a search and found see Montana mom's journal in her profile, and it goes blan. I have done a journal search which shows me all her entry (like when you do a thread search) and when I click to see the full entry, again blank page. Please help! Carolyn
It should be mostly fixed, but since the journals can be linked to from so many places, it may not have been entirely fixed. If there are still troubles, please let me know. Be sure to note where you clicked to try and get to the journal and if it was a general journal link, user's journal or specific entry.