Hello I am in the Air Force stationed in Montana (sigh it is STILL snowing as we near May :) ) I am single and getting ready to adopt (the ** is due in Sept) I myself was also adopted from Foster system at almost 4. Well the AFSA (Air Force Sgt's Assoc)President was just here. He is going to go back to Congress and work on a bill to give us time off (I am Active Duty) to "bond" with your child AND he is working to get $$$ reimbursement for people adopting overseas (I will get up to $2000 for my domestic adoption) I have heard that they have "been" working at this but have yet to see something!! I called my Congressman to let him know what is happening. As it stand my squadron will give me hopefully 1-2 weeks free and then I will end up going in the negative on leave until the baby is 6 weeks. Please email me if you have heard of anything else in the "works" How do other branches handle the adoption leave???