Hello to everybody, I am very surprised about this wonderful forum. Just reading these lots of postings lets me feel so much more confident that adoption is the right way for me and can be done !I need to know one basic thing: I am German citicen. In Germany we have less then 15 officially registered adoption agencies ! Thats why I am planning since a long time to adopt internationally, but with an US agency. I have read about german citizen doing exactly that: adopting internationally trough a US agency. Does anybody know about US agencies, that do frequently place childrens with Non US citizen outside the US ?Your help would relieve me, because with only a few agencies in Germany it getting hard to realize my dreams !Rene
I don't know what agencies could facilitate your adoption, but I did want to mention that I read in People magazine a few weeks ago about a German couple who adopted an African-American child from the US. There are apparently lots of couples from other countries (mainly from Cananda from what I understand) that are open to adopting African-American and bi-racial children from the US that aren't being adopted by Americans. That's also something else for you to think about. Again, I still don't know what agencies could assist you. I would do an internet search and then call a few and see what they say. Good luck!
Hello to everybody, I am very surprised about this wonderful forum. Just reading these lots of postings lets me feel so much more confident that adoption is the right way for me and can be done !I need to know one basic thing: I am German citicen. In Germany we have less then 15 officially registered adoption agencies ! Thats why I am planning since a long time to adopt internationally, but with an US agency. I have read about german citizen doing exactly that: adopting internationally trough a US agency. Does anybody know about US agencies, that do frequently place childrens with Non US citizen outside the US ?Your help would relieve me, because with only a few agencies in Germany it getting hard to realize my dreams !Rene
Rene, I would recommend you contacting a Law Firm in the United States that deals with international adoptions. I just e-mailed the Kirsh law firm asking them the same question! I am currently researching international adoption and plan on someday adopting, I'm only 20 now and still in school. Good luck, Rene! -Crystal Broyles
Last update on September 24, 11:45 pm by Sessalli Obasuyi.