Looking for a new playgroup in south FL, would love it if it had some memebers who have adopted, plan to adopt, foster etc...
I live in South Florida!!!! :):):)
I would love to be in a playgroup! How old old are you children? My daughter is 13 months. My son is 7 years old.
Well, if we can't find one, why don't WE start one? :)
Dear Julie:)
I have a 1 year old son, one year old foster to adopt daughter, and a newborn baby girl:) But I could also always borrow my friends six year old son if need be:) LOL
PM me where in South FLA you are:)
Just wanted to update...I have been so busy but found another wonderful lady who has one daughter and is doing foster to adopt. She is not a memeber of these boards but I feel she would be w great person to start this playgroup with:) She lives in Boca Raton:)
God Bless,