I am looking for my birth mother. I am male and was born on May 17, 1972 at North York Branson hospital, in the Greater Toronto area. I was adopted by residents of Montreal at the time (Eve and Stephen Packer), and so the adoption was finalised in Quebec and Batshaw is struggling to get information for me. It was a private adoption.
All i know from my mother's hospital chart from my birth is the delivering doctor was Dr. Fields, and my birth mother was listed as being Presbyterian.
My mother is over 70 now so time is of the essence.
I have no expectations, as i do not know the circumstances of my birth or my mother's situation, but i am trying to find out whatever information i can. A possible reunion will be up to my birth mother, as i want to respect whatever her needs are.
My name upon adoption (which was at the time of birth) was Sean Packer, but is now Sean Hillman (as i was adopted a second time at 5 years of age) and i live in Toronto.
Any help would be appreciated.