When I named Jerrett, I wanted to pick something that I liked, but also felt obligated (God knows why) to include a œfamily name in his name, so I gave him two middle namesԅone was the name I liked and the other was the obligated family name.
Weve talked about names a lot over the last five years Җ John wants to use one of his sisters middle names as one of our childs (if she is female) middle names. Now, I have no problem with this at all, provided I can do with this child what I did with Jerrett, which is give her a first and two middle names.
IҒve never had a problem with the multiple nameshe has a State issued ID card with all the names, his SSN has all the names and I use two œinitials when they ask for the middle initialԅalthough, we did admittedly have an issue with BCBS when we registered for the first time, but it was no biggie.
Is anyone else doing this? I had no problem doing it for a boy, but I wonder if its fair to a girl who may choose, at some future point, to hyphenate her maiden and married names, like I did (but I don't have a middle name).
Are three names to much for a girl?
After three sons, (who all had three names) we had our long-awaited daughter, the first girl in the family in 60 years! My dh and I couldnt decide on which names to give her and who to leave out so she ended up with Susanna Deborah Sophie Rachel, named after two great-aunts and two great-grandmothers. But even as a little girl, our dd hated having so many names and now that she is 17, insists on being called Susie, that's it, and wont acknowledge her other three names at all!
Our DD has three names, each with great significance, one representing each of her three families. It is quite acceptable in our area. We also did it because at the time, we thought Bug would most likely be an only. Now, it is quite a challenge to think of names as meaningful as hers. I think it is upto you... if your DD finds it too much she could consider only using one of the mn as a professional or married woman. Just my thoughts...
Of all 5 of our children, only our youngest has 2 middle names. All of our children's middle names are ater family members. Our older 2 are bio children. Our next 3 are adopted. The first two were girls, one was given BMom's middle name which is also BMom's Grandmothers first name. Our next DD was given the very special name her BMom gave her at birth, which is a family name. When our youngest came along, a boy, I obviously couldn't give him his BMom's name. :) I have always loved the name Noah. It's whole Noah's Ark meaning. (Miracles happen To Those Who Believe). Sooo, what we did was gave him 2 middle names. Noah & then the masculine form of his BMom's first name. It works GREAT for him & flows very easily.
Brandy - my BIL is Guatemalan so he has 4 names - first, middle, mother's maiden name, father's surname - that's the tradition sis was all ready to go along with that tradition and he said absolutely no way - it is way too much of a pain filling out forms etc. and he is absolutely against it.
so take that for what it's worth...If you feel strongly one way or the other than that's what you do (and forms be darned!)
Our daughter has 2 middle names. Her birthmom had named her so we kept that as her middle name. It is good to know more and more people are doing the 2 middle name. I was a bit worried about it at first.... that she would have problems filling out forms and stuff, but it really has not been a problem.
I thought I'd pop this up to the top again. I've always liked the idea of two middle names for my kids. Partly because I love my names (first and middle) and love names in general, I suppose. I've always considered that if you raise a child to understand how special and wonderful their names are, problems with their names aren't going to be a big deal. Now that I'm possitive I want to adopt internationally, I feel even more strongly about it. I want to have at least one cultural middle name, (one of the names they were given overseas). Because I expect I may have biological children as well, I intend to give two middle names to all my children adopted or not, they're all going to be my kids and I want them all to have the same number of names. Childrend automatically notice that sort of thing. My parents never intended to give my sister and I middle names begining with the same letter but it happened and we thought it was majorly cool as young children. I hope my kids think the same thing about having two middle names. Anyone else interested in discussing two middle names and their issues and importantance to a childs identity?
Ok, I know this is an old thread. :) But I'll throw in my post anyway! I have two middle names. I've always thought that was really neat and special. I rarely use my second middle name as an adult. And I've never had any issues with simply not including my second middle name on legal forms (like taxes etc). But I still really like my name. It gives me options. I insisted on giving each of our kiddos two middle names for that reason. I consider the second middle name sort of an honorary thing. My daughter's second middle name is the name originally given to her by her birthmother. It's very strange and we felt this is a way she can keep that connection while not having to "explain" her name for the rest of her life.
I hope I can still get some feedback here, even though this is an old thread.
Our niece has two middle names, and all four of her initial spell a name my SIL had liked in addition to the first name she went with. Each of her middle names honors one of her uncles - my SIL's two brothers.
My Dh and I have both hyphenated our last names (so don't assume that only girls will do it but boys will stick with what they've got!), so we each have a total of four names. We intend for our children to have both of our last names (and they can choose to drop one or both upon marriage or whenever). However, we are adopting, and we wanted to also maintain some link to the child's bio family.
Would it be too much to have two middle names AND two last names, considering folks don't usually go by their entire full legal name anyway? Can we just say that our last names are ONE really long last name bc it's hyphenated? lol Would that make any difference? (probably not)
I'd like to keep Lil Guy's current first and middle names as his two middle names, and give him a new first name of our choosing.
Our son's birth name was John and I wanted to name him after my dad who is John David.
I didn't think that my husband would go for it, so I approached him with the idea to name him after both grandfathers. After 16 years, I thought I knew my husband well enough and I was certain that he would reject my first idea and counter offer to just John David, which was what I really wanted anyway.
Well, things didn't go as planned. As soon as I suggested John David Olindo DiSaia, my husband immediately went for it.
I never told my husband of my original plan and I have come to adore the name. It is a big name for a little boy, but he says the whole thing very proudly. I think it is great to be able to tell him that we kept his birth name and named him after both of his grandfather's.
If we adopt again, I would definitely use two middle names for boys or girls.
Good luck!
My akids have first, middle, middle, and last. We kept their birth names, and added one of our choice. B/c they were older, we wanted to keep that part of them, as well as givet hem a part of us and our family. With two, we added/changed their first name. With one, we added the new name as her middle name, and made her old middle name her first name. They loved that they got to pick out new names. We had planned on calling them by their old names, because thats who everyone knew them by, but they really wanted to change, so we did. It's been 5 months, but we are starting to get used to the change. People outside our immediate family forget a lot, but thats to be expected. Their bio mom is furious about it, and has no problem voicing it to us. When I write stuff out, sometimes I use both middle names, it depends on what it is. Sometimes I'll write the first name out, and add the initial for the 2nd name.
I always thought it was weird when I was a kid because my 3 older brothers had 2 middle names and I only had ONE! :( ******, I wanted another one, too! ;)
All of our boys have 2 middle names. My oldest (not dh's) had a super long name, but I had intended on adoption for him, so thought well, he'll only have that name for a few weeks, right?? Didn't happen that way so with his lisp, he was Brandon Chrith-o-ther (Christopher) Michael. :)
Family tradition on dh's side is that the oldest have either the mother/father's first name as their middle name, but Evan Adam just sounded weird, so we added my dad's first name to make it flow better. Youngest had dh's brother and my dad's middle name for his middle names. And then our middle son decided that he wanted to change his whole name when he was adopted, so we moved his first name to the middle, added a family name (MIL's father) and he chose his new first name --- after we vetoed Spiderman and Spongebob. ;) ** He didn't want to keep his birth name in there at all, but I pushed it, thinking of the eventuality of him deciding we suck, so this way he won't have to have a legal name change should he ever want to use his birth name again, lost of people go by their middle names. (Long story there, and it's very likely that he will).
SO, we have
Brandon Christopher Michael
Evan Adam Royce
Mitchell Adrien James
Nathaniel Andrew John