Can anyone give me some insight as to what it is like having a child in RTC? Visitations, contact, belongings, tv/internet access, group/family therapy?
We have been matched with a 15 year old boy. He is currently in a RTC, but his level of care has dropped so they want to make a slow transition into our home. I remember my brother being in RTC as a child and we had day passes, but this was 25 years ago.
Any information you can share would be greatly appreciated. I understand they are all different, but a general understanding is all we are seeking.
When our son was in RTC visits went from on campus to offsite to overnight. Near the end of his stay we were allowed him home anytime we wanted. We had a family session every two weeks although it usually didn't include his siblings. We did have phone contact with staff at least weekly. We were allowed phone calls but had him call us because it was better that way. Our son was not suppose to be allowed unsupervised internet but somehow always managed to get it.
Every RTC is different and has different rules. It's probably best to take your questions to the RTC the boy is at.