Adoptees, Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents Together meets from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at Faith Evangelical Covenant Church in Wheaton, IL 2001 Lakeview Drive, on Butterfield Rd (Rt.56 ) For directions go to [url][/url] Click on "Directions" on the menu
There is no fee for the meetings- a free will donation is taken to cover expenses. Attendees share their adoption experiences, explore adoption search and reunion for birth family, find emotional support and adoption resources. A lending library of adoption books/stories available. Facilitated by Jody Moreen, reunited adoptee from Naperville, IL. Great supportive and caring environment, typically 10-15 attend. Newcomers most welcome and feel free to bring a friend, relative, spouse or others touched by adoption.
Questions? Email Jody at: