As I posted elsewhere, our 22 month old son's speech therapist has mentioned more than once that he doesn't make too much eye contact.
I don't know how to evaluate her one else has said this about him, but not everyone is a trained observer, either.
Does anyone know how to determine whether his eye contact is typical or not? Are there certain tests or systems to evaluate it?
When I call him, he looks at me and smiles. He smiles and looks at other people, including strangers, although he is often scared when they look back, or if he finds someone looking right at him suddenly. He only uses a few words, but he looks in my eyes as he says them, for example when he wants his cup, he looks right at me and says cup.
When he first joined our family (from foster care, at 14 months) he would cover one eye if strangers looked at him, or even if we did and he was very tired. He doesn't do this at all anymore.
I can look into his eyes for several seconds before he looks away, and he is not showing discomfort or anything.
Any opinions or advice welcomed.
You know your child seems that he is capable of maintaining eye contact, esp with you. It would be worrisome if he wasn't doing it with you or anyone else..maybe he is shy like you said..