Originally Posted By Nancy Catherine (Ryan) Conley
Because I am aware that there is sometimes mistakes in the birthdates on birth cirtificates of children placed for adoption, I felt this entry may be a lead to follow up on.
My baby was born in N.E., Washington, D.C. at Providence Hosp. on May 26, 1960. and placed for adoption Through, Catholic Charities. There are many reasons why I had to place her for adoption and why I have been, actively, searching for her for only the past 4 years although I have wanted to, ever since a few months after she was adopted. If you feel there is any possibility that the birthdate you mentioned, may be wrong, would you please contact me.
Since my middle name is Catherine, and my birthdaughter's first name was Mary,
Originally Posted By Nancy Catherine (Ryan) Conley
Because I am aware that there is sometimes mistakes in the birthdates on birth cirtificates of children placed for adoption, I felt this entry may be a lead to follow up on.
My baby was born in N.E., Washington, D.C. at Providence Hosp. on May 26, 1960. and placed for adoption Through, Catholic Charities. There are many reasons why I had to place her for adoption and why I have been, actively, searching for her for only the past 4 years although I have wanted to, ever since a few months after she was adopted. If you feel there is any possibility that the birthdate you mentioned, may be wrong, would you please contact me.
My E-Mail address is
Since my middle name is Catherine, and my birthdaughter's first name was Mary,
Originally Posted By
Dear Mary Catherine,
My name is Nancy Catherine(Ryan)Conley and I was born in Washington, D.C..
I had a daughter While at Saint Anne's home, in Washington, born at Providence Hospital, on May 26, 1960. I know that date is differont then your birthdate, but I have found that the birthdates were often mistyped or lost, etc. so I want to cover every possibility in trying to locate my daughter.
My daughter was a beautiful, perfectly formed baby that weighted 7 lbs. 9 ozs. at birth and had a lot of light brown, hair.
Since your birthdate is very close to the birthdate of my daughter and I named her Mary Elizabeth, and my middle name is Catherine, it seems possible that the name Mary Catherine could have been given to my daughter when she was adopted.
If you see any connections, or you would just like to talk, please contact me at the above E-mail address.
I wish you the very best in your search for your mother.
God Bless you
Nancy C. Conley