Originally Posted By KimI was born in Worcester, MA on 9/4/63. Adopted thru Catholic Charities of New London, CT - finalized in 2/65. Kept in foster care in Ledyard, CT - called Elizabeth there. Catholic Charities said name was Cecilia Langworthy. Birth mom may have attended Connecticut College in New London and Birth father may have been attending U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London. They weren't married - he's not on my b. cert. Maternal grandmother had MS, was confined to a wheelchair, had bronchitis and wore glasses for reading. Birth mom was petite, brown, wavy hair, brith father was 5'11", brown curly hair. May be of Irish-Russian descent.
Hi, How did you manage to find out what everyone looked like? I thought I would write because I am also looking for someone that was born around that time, but in New Britain, Connecticut,I think.