Could someone please explain to me this document? Does it have to be completed by 8 different specialists or can it be done by one GP? I will call my agency first thing in the morning to ask, but it is eating at me tonight! I thought some of you might have experience w/ this.
Mandi, I am sure like most everything else to do with Russia, things can vary by region and by agency, but I will tell you what I know of this form. This just came up as a requirement for us in mid-November for Krasnoyarsk and the name of the form is literal - we had to see 8 different doctors to complete it. It took us about 3 weeks to get done b/c we ran into almost a week of "dead time" with the Thanksgiving holiday when no doctors were available to see us. It was a real pain - very time consuming and not inexpensive but we finally got it done and off to Russia. I understand that some regions will let you do it here in the US, some require that it be completed by Russian doctors. We were able to do it here at least, so we were lucky in that. Good luck to you!
Trip #1 to Krasnoyarsk Sept 2005
Waiting for a court date
It varies from region to region...
We completed our adoption from the Chelyabinsk region in September. We had the 8 doctor form and had our family doctor sign off on all areas of the form. We also had a letter from a very high up doc at a very well known teaching hospital, stating that family doctors are trained to make initial diagnosis in all areas of medicine. We weren't sure if they would accept it our not and were prepared to see doctors in Russia. They accepted it with no questions asked.
We have our packet to start our second adoption early next year, we were told this would be done now in Moscow (which truthfully is better for me, less running around to do).
Best wishes!
I also think this answer is dependent on the region. Like Cici, we did the form the same exact way she did for our region-Novosibirsk. But I know other regions our agency uses require the form to be completed at the American Clinic in Moscow, and one of the regions our agency uses doesn't even require the form!
UGH-so confusing!
it is totally dependent on the region as others have said. Some allow GP to sign for all, some want it done at the Moscow Clinic, some want it done in region, and others want it done here in the US. Our region insisted it be done in the US - 8 different docs had to sign and then we needed a letter of good standing and a letter that specifically said thsi doc could evealuate us in the particular medical area - all had to be obtained from the state medical board. A lot of work...and our region said they were only good for 90 days.
Ask your agency for clarification for your region. If you do it hear in the US my best advice is to sit down and meet with your GP and see if he/she can call some doctor friends to get you appointments...that is what we did and it worked well.
Good Luck!
Thanks to all for your helpful answers. I called our agency this morning. I was told that I had to have this completed before we can even be approved for the Russian program. She also said that any Dr. can fill it out, so I called our RE (who knows us better than anyone!) and asked if he could order the tests and sign the form. My nurse said it should be no problem. She did say that this is the form used in Russia and we should be able to use it in our dossier. Let's hope so!!!