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Hello, its a long shot seeing as how this was written in 2001 but my father was said to be born nov 16 1966. His birth certificate records show 1967.
Non identifying info given was that birthmother had some Irish in her and Stockbridge Indian. It also said she was hospitalized at some point during pregnancy for depression. Either the birthfather or his father died of Alcoholism.
Twins were also said to have been born to some grandparent on either the maternal or paternal side and died at birth?
My father has brown hair and blue eyes. My twin sister and I do as well!
I am searching for my brother, here are the facts: you were born at Broward General Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, FL; our mother put you up for adoption because she already had four children from the jerk that eventually left us; we have brown hair and blue eyes; our mother has "some" Irish and Indian; you were born in either 1966 or 1967; our mother was drugged when she signed the adoption papers and when she went back to get you next day she was told that you were ill and needed some type of surgery....also that it was too late. If this sounds like you at all(or someone you may know), please forget what your birth certificate says and give this a shot. I'll be praying for your message!
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